De Dierenbescherming

About De Dierenbescherming

One of the most important goals of the Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals is to prevent animal suffering, so that we have to save fewer animals in the long term. Our 'Preventive animal aid' department therefore focuses – as the name suggests – on preventive tasks and services.
We are not only there for animals, but also for people. At a social level, with assistance programs for pet owners who encounter problems in caring for their animals. And if aid and service providers are confronted with disturbed animal welfare, they can contact our Helpdesk Helpers. We also support the elderly and chronically ill in caring for pets with our Animal Buddy Project. In this way animals and humans can stay together.
Another example of our preventive activities is the annual toad migration campaign. Our volunteers help toads that migrate to the water after hibernation safely across the road.
