Doestal de Verademing onderdeel van St. Paard Klep en Co

About Doestal de Verademing onderdeel van St. Paard Klep en Co

Doestal de Verademing is part of st.Paard Klep en Co and the name says it all, it is a place where residents, children, come together and do activities.
The target group are children from 8 to 12 years old who really enjoy taking care of and learning how to handle our ponies. So no riding school.
You develop communication and social skills through mutual contact with humans and animals.
In addition to taking care of the ponies, other activities are also held. such as, singing, dancing, on Thursdays and crafts on Tuesdays and so on.
This DIY stable is mainly intended for families with a low income, whose parents, guardians cannot afford a riding school and we ensure that horses and welfare are communicated to children from our target group in an educational way.


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Doestal de Verademing onderdeel van St. Paard Klep en Co