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Dekkersduin is a small-scale nursing home with 55 residents, mainly people with severe dementia.
There is a somatic ward with 7 residents.
Within Dekkersduin, residents have a great need for ...

Older peopleHealthPeople with disabilities
Wheelchair AccessibleQuality Certificate “Goed Geregeld” (Well Organised)Existing Volunteer PolicyWe offer Training & Development for volunteers
Good health and well-being
Florence, Woonzorgcentrum Dekkersduin

About Florence, Woonzorgcentrum Dekkersduin

Dekkersduin is a small-scale nursing home with 55 residents, mainly people with severe dementia.
There is a somatic ward with 7 residents.
Within Dekkersduin, residents have a great need for small-scale activities and 1 on 1 contact.
The residents also really like it when they can help with cooking and baking, for example.
The residents also enjoy music and exercise.

Recently added opportunities

Will you be the driver of our wheelchair bus?
Organisation role (Long-term) · 3–4 hrs/Week
Den Haag
Will you be the driver of our wheelchair bus?
Will you come and drive our wheelchair bus so that residents of the Dekkersduin nursing home can go on outings?Posted by Florence, Woonzorgcentrum Dekkersduin
