About Haagse Museumtent
Who are we?
We are the Hague Museums Project Office. We include the Cultuurmenu project, www.cultuurmenu.nl and nowadays also The Hague Museum Tent: a collaboration between school boards (primary education & secondary education), healthcare institutions and heritage institutions.
What is The Hague Museum Tent?
The Hague Museum Tent travels to the target group with: a special tent, a film, a suitcase with objects from the museums and materials for a creative assignment. Together, all components form an accessible introduction to the museum/heritage institution. This first school year that we start this program, there are 7 participating museums that participate in the program: The Hague Historical Museum, Rijksmuseum de Gevangenpoort, West The Hague, Museum Bredius, Children's Book Museum, House of the Book and the Archeology Department of the Municipality of The Hague.
With De Haagse Museumtent we visit primary schools from various (attention) neighborhoods and (for example SBO) schools where there are students who are less able to get to a museum themselves. We also take the tent to various senior institutions. The programs are made in co-creation with schools, community centers and healthcare institutions, etc.