Popradar Den Haag

About Popradar Den Haag

Popradar Den Haag provides a lively and diverse pop scene in the region of The Hague. It offers rehearsal rooms, stages, events, talent support and represents the interests of musicians from The Hague. Popradar supports anyone who wants to discover and develop his or her musical talent, regardless of style and level.

Popradar manages the largest rehearsal room center in The Hague. The location in Loosduinen has 20 rehearsal rooms, a professional sound studio, various teaching and presentation rooms, the Radar Café with a weekly program and the large Radar room. Under the name Music Support, a wide range is realized for musicians.

Recently added opportunities

Music fanatic? We are looking for you!
Organisation role (Long-term)
Den Haag
Music fanatic? We are looking for you!
We at Popradar The Hague are looking for enthusiastic bar volunteers for our renewed music café. Read the description to see what we can offer you!Posted by Popradar Den Haag
Music, Horeca, Action!
Organisation role (Long-term) · 2–4 hrs/Week
Den Haag
Music, Horeca, Action!
Popradar is looking for enthusiastic hospitality volunteers for our rehearsal rooms and music café. Read the description to see what we can offer you!Posted by Popradar Den Haag
Sound, Lights and Rock & Roll
Organisation role (Long-term) · 2–4 hrs/Week
Den Haag
Sound, Lights and Rock & Roll
We at Popradar The Hague are looking for enthusiastic technology volunteers for our music café. Read the description to see what we can offer you!Posted by Popradar Den Haag
