Stichting Bureau MHR

About Stichting Bureau MHR

Bureau Maatschappelijk Herstel en Rehabilitatie (MHR) is a voluntary organization that works on the effective rehabilitation and reintegration of (ex-)prisoned young people of non-Western origin from the heart of priority neighbourhoods. In addition, the organization also supports the home front of the young people in processing the detention and the role that the family can play in the return of their family member to society. If desired, the organization helps victims to find answers to questions and contact can also be made between victim and perpetrator.

Bureau MHR consists of a team of permanent employees and continues to work with a large group of committed volunteers. In some cases, outside expertise is deployed on a project basis.

Karima Daoudi is director and initiator of Bureau MHR. For years she has been committed to improving the social conditions of minority groups in the South Holland region. She has developed the programs based on her passion and expertise, including the successful Forsa!
