Stichting Druiventuin Sonnehoeck

About Stichting Druiventuin Sonnehoeck

Stichting Monument Sonnehoeck is a historic grape garden with monumental status. It is located in the Westland on the outskirts of The Hague.

At Sonnehoeck, grapes are grown according to traditional methods in original grape greenhouses. There are also old fruit walls, boiler houses and a water tower.
Almost the entire history of Westland grape cultivation is represented at this nursery. Grapes are still grown as they were a hundred years ago. The company has a gardener's house from 1729, a wall greenhouse from 1880, 8 grape greenhouses, the oldest of which dates from 1905, a water tower, two boiler houses with chimneys and coal boilers. There are three fruit walls, one from 1815 and one from 1849 and a high apricot wall from 1815. There are over 300 year old mulberry trees and there is also a small orchard with fruit trees.
