Stichting Rocking Up X-Mas

About Stichting Rocking Up X-Mas

With Rocking Up X-mas we ensure that many families are surprised with a luxurious Christmas package every year around Christmas. These families are going through a difficult period and are often dependent on the food bank. We want to let them know that they are not alone and let them forget their worries for a while so that they can celebrate Christmas as it was meant to be.

The Christmas package contains ingredients and a recipe to make a luxurious 3-course meal. We supplement this with sponsored extras such as a local outing, toys and other things that are not self-evident for these families.

The packages are delivered by volunteers with the message that this is from an anonymous donor who wishes them a Merry Christmas and hopes that the recipient will one day have the opportunity to do the same for someone else. How this is received is different every time, but the impact on the givers is often at least as great as on the receivers. In this way we also try to inspire givers to look out for others more often.
