About SV Madestein
The origin of SV Madestein:
As early as the winter of 2014, the board members of the football associations Oranjeplein-Postduiven and ADS gathered together for a consultation between good neighbours. The aim of the meeting was to explore which forms of cooperation there could be. It was soon decided to take this intention very seriously and to shape it together with the Municipality of The Hague.
The reason for these first conversations was that the municipality had informed the football association ADS that they had plans to build on the beautiful ADS complex and therefore they had to leave its own site in any case.
Meanwhile, the preparations for the merger association Sv Madestein made steady progress. On May 4, 2016, the articles of association of the merger association were passed on to the notary. In the photo, from left to right, treasurer Stephen de Vries, secretary Willem Looije and chairman Peter Oldenburg, sign the notarial documents.