About Wijkberaad Kraayenstein
Neighborhood Council Kraayenstein consists of a team of volunteers who are committed to representing the interests of the residents of Kraayenstein. The plans that the municipality and other authorities have for our neighborhood are closely monitored by the neighborhood council, so that we can influence them. The neighborhood council organizes and stimulates projects for and by the residents.
Do you want to organize something such as a street party, do something for safety in the neighborhood, do you want to do something socially or culturally? Contact us! Kraayenstein is in a neighborhood that is developing more than ever before and where opportunities are there for the taking. So it was great fun to tackle these together. Together we make Kraayenstein more fun, cozy, safer, more social and more beautiful.
Wijkberaad Kraayenstein maintains contact with the municipality (Loosduinen district office) and the municipality supports us in countless ways. Our appeal is: 'Let us know if you want to do something for the neighborhood!' We will show you the ropes and help you develop an idea or make an initiative a success.