About Arab Organization for Human Rights in North Europa
The AOHRNE is an international non-governmental organization that works to promote respect and protection of human rights in the northern European countries (France - Switzerland - Belgium - Netherlands - Germany - Denmark - Norway - Sweden - Finland). It was established in the year 2022 in the Kingdom of the Netherlands with the number 87240734.
The organization enjoys complete administrative and financial independence, and carries out its activities in accordance with its basic law, Dutch laws and regulations, and the European and International agreements.
The organization aims to create and strengthen human ties between members of the Arab community in north European countries and the local host communities, and to spread a spirit of respect and cooperation between them. Defending their rights and addressing the problems and difficulties they face during their migration and integration into their new communities, and working to solve and overcome these difficulties in cooperation and coordination with the competent official authorities in the host countries, local and international associations and non-governmental organizations, and before the judiciary.
In order to achieve its goals, the organization uses legal and peaceful means, and does not indulge in any partisan or sectarian activities. It also opposes acts of violence, whether by governments, civil groups or individuals.
Arab Organization for Human Rights in North Europa