Post | January 2022 | News | 1 min read
Lend Your Voice to This Focus Group on Expat Life in The Hague!
Written by Gabriel Rodriguez

Calling all recent expats to The Hague region! Our friends at The Hague International Centre would love to hear from you! They are looking for internationals to join an online conversation as part of their research to make their services better for you and others in our wonderful expat community. In this focus group session, you'll be asked about your experiences in relocating to The Hague: What went smoothly? What difficulties did you encounter? What can THIC do to make things easier for you?
This online focus group session will take place on Monday, 31 January at 18:00 and is meant for expats who have been in The Hague for a maximum of three years. If you're interested in participating, you can sign up via this link!