Post | January 2022 | News | 1 min read

"New in The Hague" Webinars from The Hague International Centre

Written by Gabriel Rodriguez

Our friends at The Hague International Centre work to help as many people feel at home in The Hague region as possible! To support this mission, they are organizing monthly webinars that offer information and advice on how to make your move to The Hague region go smoothly. These webinars will be held twice-monthly and will be presented by one of their expert team member. Subjects will include a wide variety of topics, including essential government formalities, finding a new home, finding the right (international) school, taxes, healthcare, medical insurance, and much more! 

The webinars will have two time slots: the second Monday of the month in the evening (17:30-18:30) and the third Wednesday of the month in the morning (11:00-12:00), with the hope that these time slots will make it easier for people to join in who have not yet made their move to the Netherlands. 

Their first webinar is coming up soon and will take place on February 7 from 17:30 to 18:30! Click here to learn more about these webinars and to sign up for the first Welcome Webinar on February 7.

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