Volunteer The Hague Gift Collection for Sinterklaasavond!

Sintvoorieder1 and Volunteer The Hague to Collect Gifts for Low-Income Families, Refugees and Children in Need
For internationals in the Netherlands, there are no doubt many Dutch holiday traditions that may be new to you, such as chocolate name letters and delicious kruidnoten! But perhaps the most beloved Dutch holiday tradition for adults and kids alike is Sinterklaasavond (Sinterklaas Evening)! This event, which happens every year on December 5, is a day when the hearts of many little children will beat faster while waiting for special holiday gifts. But unfortunately, there are thousands of children from low income families receiving assistance, as well as children who live in shelters, refugee locations, who miss out on gifts during this time of year.
This is why we're so excited to tell you about Sintvoorieder1, an organization committed to bringing joy to the hearts of these children during this festive time of year. Each December, Sintvoorieder1 strives to give children growing up in visible and invisible poverty a Sinterklaas gift. Their yearly goal is to provide as many children as possible between the ages of 0 and 18 with a new or near-new Sinterklaas gift worth around 10€. But this is a mission they can't accomplish without help.
So for this, Sintvoorieder1's 11th year, we at Volunteer The Hague, along with PEP Den Haag, are also helping to collect gifts for these wonderful children by serving as a drop off point for donations! If you're interested in answering this call for gift donations, we are available to receive gifts every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 8:30 and 16:30 before 1 December 2022. Please consider contributing to this fantastic cause! It will not only bring light to the life of these children, we're confident it'll also bring some light to your holiday season as well! Prettige Kerstdagen!
Mailing / Drop off location: Volunteer The Hague office at PEP Den Haag, Riviervismarkt 2, 2513 AM Den Haag
The last drop off day is Thursday Dec 1 between 8:30 - 16:30.
Tip from Sintvoorieder1: It's best if gifts are new or as good as new and have a value of approximately 10€.