Stichting JongRES

About Stichting JongRES


JongRES ensures that young people in their region can think and participate. In this way we ensure that the good ideas of young people are taken into account and that the plans made are in line with how young people see their future, so that we can live in the Netherlands where they would like to live.

The regions face important decisions that strongly influence the future of our provinces. It is therefore important that young people are actively involved in shaping the Netherlands of tomorrow. JongRES ensures that young people can speak to politicians and policymakers about what they consider important. We do this on the basis of the regional vision.

We are a fast-growing foundation with ideals, courage and vision. Together with passionate volunteers, a dedicated staff office and a national board, we are working on the future of the Netherlands. At JongRES you have the opportunity to further develop yourself and build valuable contacts within a network of enthusiastic young people from various sectors. Together we influence local and regional policy and contribute to a sustainable living environment. We also pay attention to each other and have fun!
