Looking for a buddy (woman, 50+) for a man who has experienced domestic violence

Contact person
Scan me or visit www.volunteerthehague.nl/o/Leger-des-Heils-regio-Noordwest/opportunities/Looking-for-a-buddy-woman-50-for-a-man-who-has-experienced-domestic-violence/82925 to join
Man 40 years old doesn't go out much because of his past. We are looking for someone who wants to do weekly activities with him.Detailed description
For a 40-year-old man from The Hague who loves listening to music, we are looking for a (female) volunteer who wants to undertake activities with him on a regular basis.
Because of his past, he doesn't go out much and spends a lot of time in his own room. He would like to regain trust in people. Would you like to do activities with him every week? Like taking a walk or having a coffee somewhere? Register now as a volunteer for the Domestic Violence buddy project.
Are you:
- Do you live in the area of The Hague?
- Available for at least a year for approximately 2 hours per week?
- Someone with a big heart for vulnerable people?
- Socially skilled and patient?
- Realistic and reliable?
- You respect the objectives of the Salvation Army Foundation for Welfare and Health Care.
Then we would like to meet you!
As a volunteer you will receive training and personal guidance.
There are also four intervision meetings per year at which you meet your fellow volunteers and exchange experiences together.
You are willing to participate in the training and the intervision.