Wanted: A day shift caregiver
Organisation role (Long-term) · Flexible hours
Hooftskade 88, 2526KB Den Haag, Nederland
Support workSocial contactCare workAccompanyingBefriending
WellbeingHealthCommunity & family

Contact person
Kaoutar AkhlalAsk Kaoutar a question or contact the organiser directly at [email protected] or 0635608497.
Stichting RespijtHuis HouseMartin
Scan me or visit www.volunteerthehague.nl/o/Stichting-HouseMartin/opportunities/Wanted-A-day-shift-caregiver/66762 to join
Scan me or visit www.volunteerthehague.nl/o/Stichting-HouseMartin/opportunities/Wanted-A-day-shift-caregiver/66762 to join
At RespiteHouse HouseMartin, we provide care to sick homeless people for a short time to recover from an illness or to rehabilitate after hospitalization.Detailed description
We are looking for a dedicated caregiver to provide services during the day shift at our guest house for the homeless sick people. We have a maximum of five guests at a time who need selfless care, attention and listening ears, till they recover from their illness.
Who are you?
● you are balanced in life
● are a good listener
● feel empathy with homeless people
● in addition to your own standards and values, respect those of others
● have experience with the task you want to commit to
We offer:
- an organization on the move with many social challenges
- good guidance and training.
Are you the one with a golden heart we are looking for?
Let us know!
About Stichting RespijtHuis HouseMartin
RespiteHouse HouseMartin is a guest house where (5) sick people without a roof over their heads can stay for a short time to recover from an illness or to rehabilitate after hospitalization. The referral is made exclusively through the Street Nurse team