FREE Just Peace Walking Tours on Sunday, September 19

Humanity Hub in partnership with Volunteer The Hague is organizing four different walking tours in different parts of the city.
Each tour will focus on a different grouping of organizations. A volunteer from each organization will be available to give a personal story and explain about their workplace at a pre-arranged time.
FREE Just Peace Walking Tours on Sunday, September 19 starting at 10:00, 11:30, 13:00 and will last approximately 1 hour.
There will be four different tours that the participants can join, all four of them following a different route and tackling different peace and justice themes:
1) The EURO tour A begins at the Churchillplein, and participants who choose to join it will firstly visit and learn about Europol, the EU’s law enforcement agency. From then, they will have the chance to meet representatives from the Hague Conference on International Law. Eurojust is the next destination, where participants will learn more about how the EU coordinates in order to tackle the most serious of cross-border crimes. The last sightseeing point is the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons*, which is located on Johan de Witlaan.
1) The EURO tour B begins at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons*, which is located on Johan de Wittlaan. Eurojust is the next destination, where participants will learn more about how the EU coordinates in order to tackle the most serious of cross-border crimes. From then, they will move to the Churchillplein and have the chance to meet representatives from the Hague Conference on International Law. And finally, participants will visit and learn about Europol, the EU’s law enforcement agency.
*For this tour, it is important that you have a photo ID with you during the tour and you might have to undergo a security check. This is because the OPCW intends to let the group within their perimeter (i.e. inside the fence) even though you will not enter the building itself.
2) The CENTRAL tour C starts at Prinsegracht, with a visit to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the largest security-oriented organization in the world. After that, participants will get to visit Europe House, the home of the Netherlands’ PermRep to the EU, and the Representation of the European Commission. Then, participants will get to meet the Hague Humanity Hub’s representatives, and visit the central location of the hub, at Fluwelen Burgwal.
2) The CENTRAL tour D starts at Fluwelen Burgwal, the Hague Humanity Hub’s central location of the hub where they will get to meet the Hague Humanity Hub’s representatives. After that, participants will get to visit Europe House, the home of the Netherlands’ PermRep to the EU, and the Representation of the European Commission. Then in Prinsegracht, it ends with a visit to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the largest security-oriented organization in the world.
3) The CARNEGIE tour E will commence at the Hague Humanity Hub in Alexanderveld where they will meet the Hague Humanity Hub's representatives, and then the tour guide and participants will arrive at one of the most famous institutions in the Hague – the Peace Palace*.
* For this tour, it is important that you have a photo ID with you during the tour and your name will be registered beforehand. This is because the Peace Palace will allow the group to enter the premises.
3) The CARNEGIE tour F will commence at one of the most famous institutions in the Hague – the Peace Palace*. Then, the tour guide and participants will visit the Hague Humanity Hub in Alexanderveld where they will meet the Hague Humanity Hub's representatives.
* For this tour, it is important that you have a photo ID with you during the tour and your name will be registered beforehand. This is because the Peace Palace will allow the group to enter the premises.
4) The “Crime and Punishment” tour G will start at the International Criminal Court, where participants will meet and discuss with one of the employees of the court. From there, they will pay a visit to the Oranjehotel, the former Scheveningen prison used during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, now a symbol of history and remembrance for the next generations*.
*We encourage you to visit the Oranjehotel after the tour has ended. You can reserve your tickets via
4) The “Crime and Punishment” tour H will start at the Oranjehotel, the former Scheveningen prison used during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, now a symbol of history and remembrance for the next generations. From there, they will pay a visit to the International Criminal Court, where participants will meet and discuss with one of the employees of the court.
Each tour will take place on Sunday, September 19 starting at 10:00, 11:30, 13:00 and will last approximately 1 hour.